Heavy Duty Freestalls With Universal Mounting Brackets

Freudenthal offers an Economy Universal Mounting Bracket that adapts well to wood posts, steel posts, or horizontal rails. The Bracket can be made to bolt thru, around, or weld to your infrastructure. Our Freestalls are constructed of 2 3/8" O.D. 10 gauge high tensil strength galvanized steel, with 1.9" - 9 gauge top rail for additional strength. Our 6 1/2 lb. top rail clamp is a full 1/4" thick with four 1/2" grade 5 bolts with self locking nuts. This Mounting Bracket was engineered with versatility and economy in mind, however, it will hold up very well to the test of time.
7’0” x 2 3/8” Freestall with 48" of top rail and all clamps
6'6" x 2 3/8" Freestall with 48" of top rail and all clamps
6'0" x 2 3/8" Freestall with 48" of top rail and all clamps
5'6" x 2 3/8" Freestall with 48" of top rail and all clamps
Order Separately
Additional Top Rail Pipe per ft